Very, very happy to announce playing our first gig of 2014 in one of our favourite venues, the Dreadnought Rock in Bathgate West Lothian.
We will be joined for the first time by 2 other acts, both you do not want to miss. We have Adullboy opening the night off, which we personally can't for. No matter what we did last year we tried to catch each other at gigs we were playing and we always missed each other. Also on is West Lothians newest 3 piece loud, dirty, ear-ringing Rock combo The White Russians. This will also be their first gig in this line up, and I can promise you it is going to knock your socks off.
All three for less than a pint of beer in your usual city centre pub...only £3 entry, that is payable at the door. I would get along early because demand is always busy at the Dreadnought, but with all 3 acts having a strong very local connection then this is for sure going to be very busy.