Very last minute addition, but over the moon to accept such a great opportunity to share the stage with an amazing band in one of the best venues in Scotland. We will be supporting French duo The Inspector Cluzo at King Tuts this Wednesday.
Details are on our events page for the gig, but we can offer a great deal if you fancy coming along…just £6 a ticket if you contact us direct BEFORE 5pm on Wednesday
I’ll be honest, I had never heard of them until a couple of days ago, but wow what a sound they have. Like ourselves a DIY band, but with over 1000 gigs in over 50 countries, and selling more than 100,000 albums their record is to be admired. Check them out for yourself, love them now
We will announce another couple of gigs for March very soon, what I can say in the next 4 weeks we will be playing Glasgow, Inverness, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.
It is good to be back, but where have we been I hear you say ? Well from the summer we only played one local gig at one of our favourite venues The Dreadnought Bathgate, but apart from that all we have concentrated on is new material, locked up in our rehearsal space week on week we have been very industrious and happy to say we have 7 completed tunes and another 3 on-going. So before cabin fever takes over we are very excited to get a couple of live gigs announced for March.
All details will be on our events page, happy to announce we are heading up to Inverness as it has been way too long and back to Edinburgh to continue all the great shows we had there last year (there was quite a few).
Last year we were lucky enough to play on this exact same stage, we must have done something right to have been invited back again this year.
Piccolo stage in George Square Gardens
This will be our third visit to play in Edinburgh in 2019, and honestly the responses at gigs we have had has been very humbling. Last year was a complete sell out as we co-headlined with the amazing Jedd Potts trio. This year is a co-headline with our very good friends from Aberdeen Full Fat. We have played a lot of gigs with these guys and know this will be another cracking night ahead.
The great thing about this venue is the location, it is a pop up venue that will be there during the duration of the Edinburgh festival (that follows the Jazz & Blues festival), but the whole gardens is available as a FREE venue to soak up the atmosphere, have a sociable drink, some great food and enjoy the glorious sunshine outwith a few of the gardens official venues.
Tickets are available RIGHT NOW FROM THIS LINK, I would highly recommend buying now as all the incoming festival go-ers will buy up tickets nearer the day, so don’t leave it too late.
We have been very busy writing a lot of new songs for our next album, and will add in one or two as well as some of our much more well known songs from our previous 3 studio albums.
Come on down, its a Saturday night and promises to be one to remember