As you can see on the poster, we have the privilege of headlining King Tuts Summer Nights Festival on Sunday 24th July.
The other acts on the very same night are absolutely top notch, so much so if we weren't playing this out of all the dates is the one we would have been going to.
The Outlawed are a cracking band from Ayrshire. The Rivers are a 2 piece we played with last year from Glasgow, and the Miracle Glass Company were just announced to play T Break stage at this years TITP. Honestly, the quality is there for all to see and hear.
########### DIXIE FRIED TICKET DEAL ################################# So, as this will be our very first Glasgow show this year, yet again we are offering our tickets out at only £5 here
Only announced last week, but already more than half of our allocation has been snapped up.