St Andrews Day
What else can I say, but to say we are choking at the bit is an understatement...we cannot wait to Saturday 30th November, or St Andrews Day where we venture up to the capital of the Highlands of our fair country, Inverness.
We have had a self imposed 6 weeks of studio time working on brand new material, but for last 2 weeks getting the set ready for this gig has been our major focus. New tunes are coming along very nicely, but playing the set a few times has got us a big itch that is going to get one big scratch next weekend.
All details are on our events page right here
We are on stage around 11.30pm, and it is 100% FREE ENTRY at Mad Hatters / Hootenanny's, open from 9.30pm. We are on directly after local band Habitat and if you would like a wee sample of how good this night is going to be here is a wee soundcloud demo of them giving the slide guitar a serious workout - we like a lot.
Please pass this around anyone who you might know from the Inverness area, this is going to be one really busy night and we would love to meet a lot of new friends - so we can get another invite next year (wink wink)
More news coming soon
Keep it Dixie y'all