2014 is here, that didn't hurt now did it
Happy New Year one and all
Well we are well and truly back, the rehearsal studio has had its annual clear out, and we are starting to focus more for what we are wanting to achieve this year. We are receiving more and more amazing offers of gigs for later in the year, and as soon as possible hope to announce. In the meantime our main goals are to dive into our next batch of tunes, but this year as well as keeping our distinctive 'Dixie Fried' sound that we feel we have progressed from first to second albums, we have strong hopes for the next round.
We have no time frame for these songs to be ready, but working to get them right no matter what is our goal. There will be more instruments being added to some songs, however we have strong feelings about where these will go, and we are both very excited with what is going to happen. Hope you can dig them too. We have one completed tune already, and another pretty far down the line.
It is with great pleasure we can now announce our first gig of 2014, it will be Saturday 22nd March @ one of our favourite venues (and it is almost on our doorstep just adds to that feeling) the infamous Dreadnought Rock in Bathgate.
Details as always on our events page
Dreadnough Rock
For the price of a pint in a city centre pub, you will get to see not one, not two but THREE top class music acts.
Opening the night is Adullboy, who we are massively excited to see. We tried many times to see each other last year but we were always gigging ourselves. Solution = lets do a gig together.
The White Russians
Then we are very proud to announce the first gig of West Lothians newest loud, dirty, ear-ringing rock combo The White Russians. This will be outstanding for sure. We were very lucky to share our rehearsal space with these guys for a year or so, but they needed a bigger place for the volume was just wow !!! I have heard a few demo's and was blown away, and I know anyone coming to see them will never forget it.
All in all, come along and as with all our gigs at the Dreadnought you will be entertained for sure.
For those travelling the club itself is less than a 5 minutes walk from Bathgate train station (Helensburgh - Waverley line), and the live music will be finished in time to make the last train.
We will have more to announce very soon, so turn on, tune in, cop out
Keepin it Dixie y'all