Blues Matters magazine
We just received the latest issue of Blues Matters (issue 69) and very nice to read a review of our album within its illustrious pages. It is a great magazine, and always comes up with new acts for us to have a listen to every month, as well as some great feature. Give it a go, if you haven't already.
For those who haven't got a copy, just for you here is our review - many things to be happy about reading this
Big Rock Candy Records
Dixie Fried are Glaswegians Craig Lamie, guitar and vocals and John Murphy on drums, a line-up in the tradition of White Stripes and Black Keys. The latter are one of their many influences, with an emphasis on Mississippi blues meet stripped down rock, or is it Clyde delta blues/rock? They claim to play their take on the blues as well as two Scottish guys can, and this CD proves that is an understatement. ‘Eastbound’ is a song which typifies this back to basics blues with attitude. ‘Red Light Dreamin’ highlights all the best techniques of a guitar/ vocals and drums duet with skillful interplay and varied dynamics. ‘Crossroad Watcher’ adds changes of speed whilst maintaining a mesmeric riff whilst ‘Gram Jam’ has stylistic variations and light and shade contrasts. Some tracks are a little repetitive and it is worth checking the samples on the website to make sure that the overall sound is for you. The rawness of the duo is a major strength and a refreshing change from the over-produced, over-hyped, multi-instrumental bands on the circuit. They must be sensational live, whether jamming in a garage or on stage at King Tut’s, because if Craig and John can light up a studio then any live venue will be an inferno.
The Bishop"